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7 Things You Can Photograph In Just Your Backyard

Birds around a bird feeder

When you think about photography, it’s easy to imagine yourself with a camera around your neck, boots on your feet, and a rolling landscape at your disposal. In short, you think about exercise. 

But if you’re already an active person, getting the motivation to go exploring for the perfect photo can be a bit of a headache. After all, you can create a photo book in 2 clicks, so why should actually taking the photographs be more difficult? 

Well, it doesn't have to be! For anyone getting into photography, there are many ways to keep it close to home. The backyard, for instance, is a treasure chest full of potential. 

Sure, it might just look like an ordinary green space that you really should have mown sometime in the last four months, but amongst that green space is a range of beautiful photography opportunities. You just need to know where to look. 

With this in mind, here are 7 things you can photograph without needing to step a foot beyond your backyard, and how best to photograph them:

Patience And Bird Feeders

Bird photography is easier to achieve in your backyard than in the wild. All you need is a bird feeder, some seeds, and a whole lot of patience. Choose a sunny day to set up your feeder and park yourself just a few yards away, camera at the ready. Before you know it, you’ll have a range of feathered visitors just waiting to be snapped. It’s bird photography, but done easy!

Colors Of The Earth

We admit this one requires a little more effort than buying a bird feeder, but it’s an excellent excuse to finally do something about your slightly mundane garden! If you have space for flower beds, get your gardening hat on and go and buy some seed pods. Plant them in your desired area, wait for them to shoot up, and your next photo book will be awash with glorious color!


You might be thinking: well, this all sounds a little too simple. If you’re thinking this, good! We admire your thirst for personal betterment! And we’ve got just the thing for you. Micro-photography. If you’re tired of simply snapping photographs without much technical proficiency, then why not switch things up a bit and take photographs that transport the viewer into another world -- a smaller world, the way that all your backyard insects see it. There are multiple ways to get micro-photography right, so do some research and test your skills.

Wonders Of The Night

One of our favorite forms of photography is night-time photography, purely for the number of opportunities it gives the photographer. Your backyard becomes a different world at night, full of wonder, mystery, and strange creatures. So set up camp and wait for the new world to beckon in!

The Rise And The Set

As a photographer, you’ll come to know that everything depends on light. If the light is wrong, then the photograph will be worse off. If the light is right, then you’re halfway to the perfect picture! Of course, this can take a lot of time, skill and energy to perfect, but there is a way to cheat the system. Sunrise and sunset photography! If you want to take some beautiful photography where the light is guaranteed to aid the photograph, then simply step into your backyard at the right time of day!

Lemonade And Peanut Butter Sandwiches

So far, none of these photographs require a human subject, but if you want to get the family involved, then this one's for you. All you have to do is prepare some sandwiches, pour some lemonade, pick a blanket from the cupboard, and then go into the backyard for a picnic! Just your family enjoying a sunny afternoon in the backyard can make for a great picnic photo shoot. But again, if you think this is a little too simple, you can spice things up a bit with some drone photography. Simply get your family to lie in a circle, and then get a great birds-eye-view shot from up in the sky! 

The Home That You Built

Lastly, if you want a unique and beautiful family portrait, then ask all of your family members to go to the windows of your house – youngest on the ground floor, and oldest at the top – go into your backyard, and then take a photograph! If you’re playing the long game, you can do this every year, and then document the years unfold by uploading them to a photo book maker – who knows, there might be more windows filled than you expected!


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