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How To Create A Christmas Photo Book

Christmas tree

Christmas is a pretty wonderful – and bizarre – time of year. It’s not often that the family gets together. But Christmas gives us all an opportunity to reunite, have fun, be merry, and pretend there’s a slightly fat man from the north pole coming down the chimney and munching on carrots. Bizarre. But hey, If that’s what it takes to get grandpa out of his house, then so be it!

If you’re going for a big Christmas this year (because, let’s be honest, why wouldn’t you?) then it’s important that you take as many photographs as you can. As already mentioned, it’s not often everyone comes together, and Christmas gives an opportunity to create some wonderful memories with the whole family. Not to mention, you can make a pretty good photo book out of them! 

Christmas photo books are the only way to give those memories the treatment they deserve. It’s easy enough to take photographs and simply put them on social media. But you need a way to share them with friends and keep them to cherish yourself. You can create a Christmas photo book in 2 clicks, all you need to do is organise your photos and choose which ones you want to include.

But how do you organise a Christmas photo book, we hear you ask? Well, there’s an awful lot of stuff you need to include, and there’s no time like the Christmas present to talk about them. Let’s take a look at all of the Christmas events you should get into your photo book to ensure you capture the magic of the season:

Christmas Eve Is Where It All Starts

One mistake that people make when creating their Christmas album is leaving out Christmas Eve. This is the time that the family arrives, the kids start getting excited and the champagne begins to flow. Make sure you don’t fall into the same trap and try to include as much of this day as possible.

Letters To Santa

This is one of the cutest things your kids will do – they’ll spend the majority of Christmas frantic with energy and generally being a nuisance – so you’ve got to cherish it! Include letters to Santa – one for each page – before moving onto Christmas day and the festivities.

Stockings (Before They’re Ransacked)

Everyone gets up early on Christmas morning – thanks to those excited kids we talked about – but hopefully you got up a tiny bit earlier to snap photographs of the stockings before they were ransacked. You can’t get anything more Christmassy than sleeping children completely unaware of the gifts waiting at the end of the bed, so get them in the photo book and ensure the magic is fully on show!

Fizzy, Fizzy, Fizzy

With the kids out of bed and dizzy with excitement, it’s likely that the grown-ups decided to crack open the fizzy in preparation for the big day. It’s a good idea (if you took photographs of this momentous moment) to include some of them in your photo book. Just you and the adults, toasting Christmas and having a moment of calm before the storm!


Christmas lunch preparation could be broadcast on television and be mistaken for a high-stakes cooking competition, such is the stress that is involved. But every Christmas lunch always comes up a triumph (unless a few too many of those champagne bottles were opened) so it’s a good idea to honour the creator and include some of the preparations in your photo book.

Christmas Lunch (Before It’s Ransacked)

Once again, it’s a must for any Christmas photo book to include pictures of the lunch before everyone tucks in. Christmas lunch gives a chance to take festive photographs that are better than the others, so hopefully you took advantage of the quiet moments before carnage began. Try to find a photograph where you’ve got the turkey, the candles, and the crackers all in one frame. This will make for an incredibly festive photograph that can be a showstopper in your photo book.

Santa’s Little Helpers

Every family has their own little tradition when it comes to the gift-giving session. One of the most popular is having the kids dress up as Santa’s elves and give out the gifts one-by-one. If you were on the ball, you definitely would have taken photographs of this, so get them in the photo book and ensure you’ve got a way to embarrass the kids when they’re a little bit older!

The Mess

Gift-giving is one of the most enjoyable parts of Christmas day - the subsequent mess is certainly not. It can be a bit of a laugh though. If you’ve taken a picture of the bomb that exploded in your household, then include it in your photo book to demonstrate just how chaotic your Christmas was. After all, the more chaotic, the more fun!

Evening Festivities

Once the stockings, gifts and dinner are all over, it can be a bit easy to rest on your laurels and put down the camera. Hopefully you didn’t fall into this trap, though, because there’s so much more to include in your photo book. If you have pictures of the evening festivities (games, television, dancing) then make sure you close out the photo book with style and include all of the best ones.

Don’t Forget Boxing Day!

Every photo book needs an epilogue, and boxing day provides the best epilogue possible. Remember, Christmas is all about family, and they’re all still there the day after! If you make boxing day just as fun as Christmas day, you can use the photographs you took to perfectly round off your festive photo book.

Finish With The Family

Speaking of family, you need a way to finish your Christmas photo book with one big picture. We would suggest using the family pic for this one. It’s likely that you – like every other family – tried desperately to get everyone together in front of the fireplace and take the ultimate group shot. Use this shot to finish the photo book, perhaps with a little message like: “Seasons greetings from the *INSERT NAME HERE* family…” This will be a great way to remember what your Christmas was really about and, whenever you come to pick up the photo book and reminisce in the memories, it’ll give you that incentive to make the next one just as special. Merry Christmas everyone!


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